As your business reaches international levels and competitions get tough – the need for speed is imperative. It is of utmost importance to explore different options for quicker success, but it also calls for upgrading your business with the latest technological developments in order to keep pace with the changing times. One such development is Automated Travel and Expense solutions for an organization. Gone are the days of manually collecting the receipts. Your crew counts on your ability to help them at all stages of professional life. Considering that everyone now uses mobile phone applications, what if you could offer them a user friendly, fast and smart solution for Travel and Expense Management? This virtual based solution is not only faster and easier, but cheaper also which makes it a viable solution for Small and Medium Enterprises.
Only 42% of SMEs have given enough thought and importance to appointing a Chief Financial Officer, says the latest Small Business Accounting survey. And this number drops drastically for companies that accommodate less than 25 employees. This calls for an immediate action. If you are still confused why adopt this automated solution, we have created a list of reasons that you must infer to:
1) Smart Technology: Mobile-friendly expense management solutions help you track, manage and restrict employee expenses with just a click. Not just that, it also helps you save a lot of time!
2) Synchronized Prepaid Business cards: The standard usage of synchronized prepaid cards would eliminate the manual card entries for expenditures like travel booking, client servicing et al.
3) Virtual Receipts: Believe us when we say that no employee would appreciate a boss who makes them carry receipts back to office after an exhausting business trip. All they have to do is, click a picture and upload it with a touch. It would save your auditor’s time also when they sit down to review them.
4) Increased Transparency: An employee would prefer if the company adopts a modern and transparent process of filing reimbursements, expense management and taking approvals. It would also eliminate the cases of dishonest claims and minimize fraud.
These reasons should be enough to inspire you to make a move, to go ahead and opt for such automated expense management solutions that not only increase your business productivity but also keep your employees happy! Needless to add, it makes you come across as a good boss too! Now if you are looking for saving time and money, or increasing your team’s productivity, you know what and how to improve.